'A True Story' is a short story by American writer Mark Twain. It is a story about slavery of Negroes in south America.
The story begins with its protagonist Aunt Rachel, a sixty year old negro servant. She was cheerful and hearty. The narrator is Misto C who talks with Rachel and tells her story.
He asks, "Aunt Rachel, how is it that you've lived sixty years and never had any trouble?" This question prompts Rachel's story.
Rachel's husband and seven children were sold in auction. Aunt Rachel spends her lifetime waiting for them. Rachel goes on to lament that of her seven children, she has seen only one since that day.
Sometime later, during or immediately after the Civil War, Rachel comes to work as a cook for a group of Union Army officers in New Bern, North Carolina. One Friday night, a platoon of black Union soldiers enters her kitchen. Shortly thereafter, she sees a familiar face and reunites with her son. Rachel ends by answering the question that prompted her tale: "'Oh, no, Misto C, I hain't had no trouble. An' no joy!'
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